People and Politics From Marauder #1: October 2011
One does not need to venture very far to hear talks of uprising, resistance, and zombies all coming together to form what today’s Internet culture is thinking. Headlines of government sites being hacked, protesting in the streets and governments continuing their endless goal to conquer a
nd suppress through shameless violence is triggering a Genesis; a type of world revolution that we have never seen before. Power Outages, Natural Disasters, Pollution, Murder, and War have been turned into a reality TV show but always filtered through bureaucratic firewalls in order to hide the full truth and pretend like everything is ‘just fine’. On the laptop screens though, it’s a different story. The internet and computers have connected ‘people’ in every level; social, artistic, sexual, personal, educational, and political in all countries in a new organized and democratic manner that we have never seen before. When someone in New York takes a video on their Chinese made Iphone of a cop beating peaceful protestors it’s instantaneously seen by a young Greek teenager hundreds of miles away at their local internet café, while video chatting with a young law student in Lahore Pakistan at her school library. Each individual is simultaneously realizing that all governments are attacking their own and it doesn’t matter who you are and what type of country you’re in; be it, 1st or 3rd world. It’s happening everywhere and the only way to react is to either change the way we live our lives or blindly accept and follow someone else’s view of how we should live. People hear change and they get worried. Just like everything in life, if you want to get to the top you need to start on the bottom. If we as humans want to really change something globally, we need to literally start at our roots. Everything from the food we eat, the things we buy, the things we throw away, the jobs we have, the things we say, to the energy we release and absorb. We are and always have been a channel connecting the physical to the spiritual in this big ball of energy we call our planet. Just like her, we need a reset; an ice age but in an intellectual way. I have personally recently experienced the existence of this Intellectual Revolution all the way from Beirut, to the small island of Cyprus to the great nations of Canada and the US and it is spreading in full force. People are refusing to accept their lives as is and would rather build them themselves. Everyone is talking, listening and is preparing for what could possibly be a global uprising one country at a time, one mind at time, one hard drive at a time. I’m afraid to say that more lives will be sacrificed and it is only the beginning, for when the powerful realize what is really happening in their own back yard they will release their uniformed zombies to feast. The difference now is how we react. Do we pick up a gun and shoot back? Do we hide in a bunker in the middle of the desert until it blows over? Then there’s the question of violence versus peace, something we’ve been dreaming of for centuries. It’s a fine line and we are, after all, bred to fight, win and dominate our planet. What everyone forgets is that we are merely a fraction of a grain of sand in the Universes that surround us and at the end of the day nature will decide our fate. Until then though, we cannot stand idle and watch our race destroy itself. Fear is merely a psychological reaction to the fact that we will have to give up luxuries in order to restore balance and not only live on, but be one with our world and to love everything in it. Language and distance are no longer barriers. We all, as humans in this fragile home, need to spread our message and ideas, we need to make a change and independently let the system know that it will not work unless we accept it.

This is why we make art, this is why WE make Music.

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