Friday, October 20, 2023

America the Not So Great, early morning thoughts; 14th day of Israeli bombs

Since it's inception, the U.S.A. , learning from it's uncles Brittain, the Spanish, the Ottomans, French and other colonizers before it, has been using genocide, brainwashing disguised as true religion to gain it's power over the lands it conquers and the human bodies and minds it calls it's own. Without fail, and with alot of proof, it has been involved and has inspired more wars in this century than any other country or previous empire. Mastering the art of psychology and the power of self realization, it has convinced , itself first , that no other place holds more right and power. 

Massacring innocent peaceful indigenous people of the earth and brainwashing them out of their true real religions and spirituality has been the standard and norm. The difference is that today, we get to watch it happen and feel helpless because our morals and ethics would never hurt a person in that way. 

It is the bully who doesn't understand the concept that God's Green earth isn't about the green dollars but the nature we try so hard to go against, in the name of innovation and exploration, in the name of the Ego. 

Unfortunately, the longer I think about it and watch it unfold, not only to my small, peacful, beautiful innocent homelands my hopes for hope for the better fades away.  

I am so close to be the screaming helpless face that you see on your newsfeed. All 3 of my connections to culture have been a few miles away from the worst conflicts that are happening; Ironically the most beautiful of places in the world. 

I'm lucky that my brother and parents, grandparents , cousins and uncles are not in fear for their lives right now. We've already gone through that and I can't imagine how I would deal with it. Let alone the, at least 7 times the little 10 year old Palestinian kid has gone through bombings and war in it's short peaceless life.
I guess I'm lucky that I made my dreams of taking my music to America but I didn't realize, until being there , that the truth is far from reality. History is 100% fabricated here with all the bad parts erased, just like the cultures it has tried , and still tries to erase. The Holywood glam and movies have painted over the bloodshed and racism that still exists and it is definitely not like the movies. It is an anxious, depressing place where most of your friends are yours because they want something from you and don't have the extra time to think about you otherwise.  

Back to the moment, unfortunately , the better will not come until more angelic inosccent babies are killed and more land is taken. Not that they don't even pretend to care. They just do it, knowing that today's short term attention deficit society will just forget about it in a few and stop fighting the system, pop a quick pill for the depression and go on our merry capitalist lives to struggle from paycheck to paycheck. 

The system is 100% flawed and it has convinced you that they see the right. They have taken over your mind and soul so that you don't question what they do, you just "can't pick sides" or "don't get involved in politics ". Why do you think the system cuts funding to education , music and social programs? They know that by doing so, the media and dollars will be the distraction and our minds will not open up and realize how wrong and barbaric these governments truly are. They made it so bad and normal to be exposed to man made atrocities that now all the Hollywood loving little brother countries who think they are the next big thing are doing worse than their big brother bully predecessor who's brainwashed them to believe they are friends of America, when in reality they are being used for more power and Supreme glory. 

Self centered psychotic and narcissistic is the simple way of putting it. Transferred from it's very soul to you, the distracted citizen who stands back and watches it happen. Doesn't question the false truths you are watching, and if you do, then you just accept it as your reality and worry about your next rent payment. 

I truly pray, and breathe with our wounded earth and just hope that our Universal creator forgives humanities actions. 
I also implore to the next generation, even though you most likely know, you will have to do better and you will have to, unfortunately, make your parents and grandparents held accountable to what they have let happen by the great grandpapa's in power. The core of our DNA needs to be changed. Please use music, meditation and true connection to the earth and fellow neighbors to guide you and make all of us, better. Use more ancient teachings to learn about the beauty and power of love that created us and I guess vote? I'm note sure where we stand with the whole real and fair democracy part but do whatever you can to change the system and help our society, our human society come to it's ancient magical capable glory.

#savePalestine #saveArtakh #prayforlebanon  #blacklivesmatter #yemen #savefreespeech #saveinependentjournalism
#savetheehildren #stophate #stopsensorship